Being healthy is what our class aims to help you with. Very often I hear women who sign up for our class say that their pants are fitting more loosely but their weight has not gone down or their weight has gone up a pound or 2. I can not tell you exactly what is going on. I can tell you that lean muscle is 10% - 15% more dense then fat. This means that 5 pounds of fat will take up a lot more space then 5 pounds of lean muscle. Think about how many cotton balls you would need in order to have 5 pounds!!!!! That takes up a lot of space. Now think about how many quarters you would need to equal 5 pounds. So keep this in mind as you are working out and getting healthier. Its not always about the weight, its about being healthy and mobile. Have a great day and dont forget to drink your water.
Everyone falls into habbits. It takes action, which is usually uncomfortable, to make a change in your routine. Everyone needs to be exercising on a regular basis. Do not let yourself fall into a rut. Give us a call today and try our 3 class trial. You have nothing to lose, and you never know, you might meet some cool people in our class. 610-497-1202. Give us a call.
Our class starts off with a warm up to get your heart rate up. Then we have 10-15 minutes of exercises to focus on strengthening your legs, abs, lower back, upper back....... I running joke right now in class is "Oh I found my triceps. They do exists." Insert whatever muscle you want into that, but the point it it is a good time and a great workout. Then we stretch 5 minutes and we are working on the bag the rest of the time. Keeping your heart rate up is great for burning calories and helping your body to start getting rid of fat and replace it with lean muscle. Its that time of year again. Everyone is making resolutions to get in shape or to make something better. It is important to know that taking the first action step to get up and get going is the most difficult. So don't get stuck this year, take action and make a decision right away. Here is a cool video from Tony Robbins because he says is better then I ever could. This is a long video and you dont have to watch the whole thing. But I encourage you to watch at least the first 2 minutes. Making a decision and taking action will help you achieve greatness in anything. The first 2 minutes of this video is really why I posted this video. The rest of the video is great, but I just wanted to share the first part with you. Recently in kickboxing we have been talking about all the little things we can do to help lose weight and get in better shape. What it comes down to is it has to be a lifestyle change. I don't like to talk about drastic changes just some little changes that all added together make a difference. Here is a list of some small things that added up can make a difference in your diet and physical activity: Taking stairs instead of the elevator, cutting back on the sugar in your coffee, less soda or cut our soda, less fatty food for example more chicken in stead of red meat, parking a few spots farther from the shop your going to, do an exercise while waiting for something to cook in the microwave like calf raises. These little things are not game changers but they can add up. But they have to be done consistently. You will hear tony robbins in the video talk about failure and success dont just happen out of no where, its a lot of little things. This is a life lesson I apply to everything because it is true. This is super important to remember when you in class. Just think about how often you do a kick and it feels off or you feel of balance. Just remember that you are only a few millimeters off. You are very close to doing it great. Think about when your kicking the bag and you feel like you are to close. You only have to back up a very little bit. Probably more then a few millimeters, but the concept is still the same. What if your diet isn't working for you? I bet a small change can have a huge impact. This concept is very empowering and I hope it sticks with you. Watch this video and remember this. This is priceless wisdom. I want to put everyone's mind at ease. Most of the people who come in and try our kickboxing class have never done it before. Some people have, but most have not. For this reason, among a few others, I only schedule 2 new people in per class, unless you are starting with a large group of friends. But I only schedule 2 new people per class so I am able to help explain what we are doing and help you with any punches, kicks, or drills that might be challenging for you. So don't worry about "being the new person" or not being able to keep up with the class. The class is designed to be done at your own pace..... With me encouraging you to do your best :)
A common question we get asked is how many days a week should I take class? The answer is everyday :) But most people..... almost everyone can not do that. So there are a lot of factors that go into answering this question. But generally speaking since our classes are 1 hour long, we recommend at least 2. That gives you 2 hours a week. If you are watching what you eat and making healthy choices at home and doing some exercise on the days you are not in for class then you should be making progress with your fitness plan. We are here to help and we really recommend 3 days a week, but we offer a class every night so you can do what fits into your schedule. Try our 3 class trial to see how much our fitness kickboxing program can help you reach your fitness goals.
This topic is ever present in my kickboxing class. Our goal is to help you get in better healthier shape. Very often the people I talk to say " Im not in the shape I was 10 years ago". Or " I need to get back into shape". This is a great healthy attitude to have. But I want to make sure we all understand one thing. My good friend Morpheus says it best. My fear is some people might get an unrealistic idea that they should be in the same physical shape they were years and years ago. This is possible for some people. But we can all agree that LIFE HAPPENS and instead of trying to be what we once were we should focus on being the best version of us that we can be now. There is certain weight, and body fat, and muscle we can have on our body and still be healthy. I think this " challenge" as everyone is seeming to call it, is a good thing that might motivate people to make some changes. Its always fun to look back on life and see how things have changed. But there is no reason at all we should allow this to have a negative effect on us and give us this unrealistic goal of trying to be just as fast, strong, or fit in the same jeans we did 10 or 15 years ago. So if this has motivated you to try and change up your lifestyle a little and watch what you eat and work out a little more. Give us a call to schedule your first trial class. We help you get in better and great shape in a fun action packed class. One thing I learned early in my martial arts training and I have also heard this several times from many motivational speakers is that you have to write your goals down. If you do not write them down they are nothing more then a wish. I took this idea and ran with it. I now have a firm belief that if you don't write something down then your chances of doing it are less then if you do write it down. I know this is true for me. But lets apply this logic to your workout schedule. Lets first talk about your regular schedule which involves: home stuff, work, kids, activities, ...... Any person with a hectic life I hope has seen the benefit of writing out a schedule to manage their time better and if your like me it works. Now lets factor your workout into this. If you don't write it down in your " schedule" what are the odds that you will remember? How many times have we forgotten about a doctors appointment? Or a meeting at school? If you have a busy life/schedule then something like this would be easy to overlook. But if you write it down in your schedule and you check that every morning, then your good :) I personally also like to set a reminder on my phone so I get that as well. I don't do that with EVERYTHING, but when it is something out of the ordinary or a special event that is not all the time I will set a reminder on my phone. But if you do this with your workout routine and sit down and write down your times in your schedule then you are committed. In your mind you feel like its on the schedule I have to go. This is very helpful after the holidays. Not everyone is super excited to go back and workout after all that turkey. But if you workout is part of your schedule then you have no choice :) Think about this and I hope you try it and find it helpful.
October 2022