It is important to stay on track with your kickboxing classes. We all know when we stick to a routine it is a lot easier to keep going when you don't feel like it. If you take some time off it may be difficult to "get back in the groove". Trust me, taking action and taking that first step and making yourself get back into it is the hardest. But after that you will build up momentum and it will be smooth sailing. My overall thought for right now is I know taking that first action step is difficult, but once you do it is easy. Think about cleaning your house. We have all been there on the weekends and you want to relax. It is almost painful to get up and start cleaning. But once you do you get in a groove and before you know it 5 hours have gone by and it felt like nothing. Then your glad you did it, right? :) Of course you are. I am looking forward to seeing everyone back in class this week. Happy New Year everyone.
October 2022